B.8. Release 5.2 - changes from 5.1

B.8.1. New Features

B.8.2. Enhancements

OS: Based on CentOS release 5/update 3 and all updates as of June 22, 2009.

Base: Anaconda installer updated to v11.1.2.168.

Base: Isolated MySQL for the Rocks database under /opt/rocks.

Base: Converted all 'dbreports' to the Rocks command line.

Base: Configure 'MTU' for networks through the Rocks command line.

Base: Configure network routes through the Rocks command line.

Base: Configure host aliases through the Rocks command line.

Base: Added '/var/log/authpriv' to log rotate list.

Base: Added 'iburst' flag to NTP configuration on frontend.

Base: Added version and release info to vmlinuz and initrd.img to enable cross-kickstarting via PXE and making it easier to host different Rocks VMs on a physical system.

Base: Added a YUM configuration file to each node that points to the distribution on the frontend.

Bio: Updated biopython to v1.50.

Bio: Updated clustalw to v2.0.11.

Bio: Updated fasta to v35.4.7.

Bio: Updated fftw to v3.2.1.

Bio: Updated elph archive in glimmer to v1.0.1.

Bio: Updated gromacs to v4.0.1.

Bio: Updated perl-Data-Stag to v0.11.

Bio: Updated perl-Digest-MD5 to v2.38.

Bio: Updated perl-File-Temp to v0.21.

Bio: Updated perl-GD to v2.41.

Bio: Updated perl-GD-SVG to v0.33.

Bio: Updated perl-Graph to v0.91.

Bio: Updated perl-HTML-Parser to v3.60.

Bio: Updated perl-HTML-Tagset to v3.20.

Bio: Updated perl-PathTools to v3.30.

Bio: Updated perl-SOAP-Lite to v0.710.08.

Bio: Updated perl-SVG to v2.49.

Bio: Updated perl-SVG-Graph to v0.02.

Bio: Updated perl-Scalar-List-Utils to v1.21.

Bio: Updated perl-Storable to v2.20.

Bio: Updated perl-Text-Iconv to v1.7.

Bio: Updated perl-URI to v1.38.

Bio: Updated perl-XML-Parser to v2.36.

Bio: Updated perl-XML-Twig to v3.32.

Bio: Updated perl-XML-Writer to v0.606.

Bio: Updated perl-bioperl to v1.6.0.

Bio: Updated perl-libnet to v1.22.

Bio: Updated perl-libwww-perl to v5.826.

Bio: Updated phylip to v3.68.

Bio: Updated reportlab to v2.3.

Bio: Updated t_coffee to v7.81.

Ganglia: Updated to v3.1.2.

HPC: Updated OpenMPI to v1.3.2.

HPC: Updated MPICH2 to v1.0.8p1.

HPC: Updated stream to v5.9.

Java: Updated java to v1.6.0_13.

Java: Updated jdk to v6 update 13.

Java: Updated antlr to v3.1.

Java: Updated jboss to v5.0.1.GA.

Java: Updated jogl to v1.1.1.

SGE: Updated to v6.2 update 1.

Viz: Support for single, dual and quad display nodes.

Viz: Chromium support for 32-bit and 64-bit applications.

Viz: Added CUDA driver. Users can optionally run CUDA programs on the tiled-display nodes.

Viz: User updatable nVidia driver. Makes it easy for users to refresh the nVidia driver without having to wait for an updated Viz Roll.

Xen: Using libvirt instead of 'xm' command line programs to start/stop VMs.

Xen: Allow VM disk to be backed by a physical disk partition.

Xen: Use threading in the 'rocks add cluster' command to decrease the time to add a virtual cluster.

B.8.3. Bug Fixes

Base: Fix for software RAID partitioning.

Base: Increase timeout for package downloads when on slow networks (e.g., 100 or 10 Mbit).

Xen: Fix to ensure all routes are active after Xen is started.

Xen: Fix 'rocks set host vm' command to allow users to resize a VM's disk.