4.1. Customizing the Condor Roll

This section describes the default Condor configuration and some simple cusomizations that can be applied in Rocks with version >= 5.4

By default, Condor execution daemons are only installed on Rocks compute appliances. For Rocks 5.2 and newer, the Condor roll makes use of attributes to enable Condor to be installed on any appliance. This may be particularly useful to groups who are including the Xen roll and would like Condor to install on VM Container appliances.

The basic customizations that can be applied without and scripting/programming by setting global, appliance, or host attributes. Please see the commands rocks set attr help and rocks list attr help

Table 4-1. Attributes Used in Condor Roll

Attibute NameDescription
Condor_ClientEnable/Disable Condor Client Installation on any particular Appliance or Host
Condor_PasswordAuth Use a shared pool password, instead of host-based authentication. Default: no.
Condor_HostAllow Comma separates list of allowed readers/writers for Condor. Translates to HOSTALLOW directive in Condor Configuration file.
Condor_EnableMPI Configure a local scheduler for MPI Universe Support
Condor_MasterRedefine the Condor Master that nodes use
Condor_Network Define which network interface is used for Condor traffic. Default: frontends are set to public, clients are set to private.
Condor_PortHigh: Upper Port range that Condor will use to communicate among daemons. Removal of this Attribute will result in removal of the HIGHPORT entry in condor_config.local after syncing the configuration. Default: 50000
Condor_PortLow Lower Port range that Condor will use to communicate among daemons. Removal of this Attribute will result in removal of the LOWPORT entry in condor_config.local after syncing the configuration. Default: 40000